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Resolution Passed by Lake County Council

On August 11th, eight Regional Resilience volunteers attended the Lake County Council meeting in Crown Point. At the meeting, Resolution No. 20-43, “Resolution Supporting the Funding by NIRPC of Indiana University’s Regional Greenhouse Gas Inventory Cohort,” co-sponsored by Councilman Ted Bilski (6th District) and Councilwoman Christine Cid (5th District), passed unanimously. Drafted by Region Resilience volunteer Alex Bazan, the resolution supports funding NIRPC as the convener in the development of a greenhouse gas inventory through Indiana University’s Resilience Cohort. Councilwoman Cid says, “I appreciate your team’s effort to making Lake County a healthier place to live.”
This is a huge success for Region Resilience. We now have a document of support from a body of elected officials that can be presented to NIRPC and other elected officials in the Region. This gives us a greater likelihood that we will reach our goal of getting a regional greenhouse gas emissions inventory completed in 2021.
Photo of 3 volunteers and 3 Lake County Council members posing with signed resolution

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